What Is A London Dry Gin?

What Is A London Dry Gin?

Back in the 19th Century, a new gin category emerged. With juniper used as the more dominant flavour, usually balanced with citrus and root spice, London Dry Gin became a popular choice with drinkers at the time - and our award-winning No.3 Gin remains true to that style even today.

Thanks to the invention of the Coffey still around 1830, gins could be made to a higher standard than they had been and no longer needed to be sweetened to mask the horrible taste from poor distilling methods. Instead the botanicals could shine through and this new style was dubbed dry gin instead.

Contrary to the name, a London Dry Gin doesn’t actually have to be made in London. In fact No.3 Gin is distilled in one of the oldest distilleries in Holland, where the six botanicals are traditionally steeped and distilled in a unique 100-year-old, brick-encased copper pot still.

For a gin to truly be a London Dry style however, it does have to adhere to the following rules… No colours, flavours or sweeteners can be added after re-distillation, only natural botanicals can be used and like all gins the final liquid must have a minimum strength of 37.5% ABV. 

A gin style synonymous with the iconic Martini, No.3 also makes the most refreshing Gin and Tonic or distinctive Negroni, and thanks to the perfect balance of juniper, citrus and spice, has been recognised as the World’s Best Gin, four times!

Ranald Nisbet